Summary Info
Resolution on domestic debt securities issuance
Update Notification Flag
Correction Notification Flag
Postponed Notification Flag
Authorized Member Decision Date
Issue Limit
Currency Unit
Issue Limit Security Type
Debt Securities
Sale Type
Private Placement-Sale To Qualified Investor
Domestic / Oversea
Additional Explanations
In accordance with the authorization given by article 7 of the Company's Articles of Association and with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board's Communiqué on Debt Securities, on October 25, 2024 our Board of Directors have decided on issuance of bonds or bills for a total amount up to TRY 30,000,000,000 denominated in Turkish Lira issuing within 1 year period and with various compositions and terms, one or more at a time, to be determined according to market conditions, to be sold to qualified investors through sales and private placement methods without public offering and to be traded in the relevant market of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş. in a such way not to cause public offering and within the aforementioned limits on the issuance of such bonds or bills, to grant authorization any two of Hakan Hamdi Bulgurlu, Barış Alparslan, Mine Şule Yazgan and Demet İnan Yelmen together to sign in order to make an application to the Capital Markets Board for the approval of the issuance certificate; determination of all conditions including issuance, maturity, interest rate, additional rate of return, issuance time and sales form for all issues to be made during the validity period of our issuance certificate approved by the Capital Markets Board; selection of intermediary institution; signing of all kinds of documents, completion of the necessary applications and all other transactions related to the Capital Markets Board, Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., Central Registry Agency, Takasbank A.Ş. and other relevant authorities for the realization of issuances, determination of distribution principles and allocations, issuance and sales purposes on behalf of our Company. This statement has been translated into English for informational purposes. In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and the English versions of this disclosure statement, the Turkish version shall prevail.