Summary Info
Registration of Ordinary General Assembly Results
Update Notification Flag
Correction Notification Flag
Postponed Notification Flag
General Assembly Invitation
General Assembly Type
Begining of The Fiscal Period
Ending Date Of The Fiscal Period
Decision Date
General Assembly Date
General Assembly Time
Record Date (Deadline For Participation In The General Assembly)
Divan İstanbul Oteli, Asker Ocağı Caddesi No:1 34367 Elmadağ Şişli, İstanbul
Agenda Items
1 - Opening and election of the Chairman of the Meeting,
2 - Reading, discussing and approving the 2023 Annual Report prepared by the Company Board of Directors,
3 - Reading the Summary of Independent Audit Report for 2023 accounting period,
4 - Reading, discussing and approving the Financial Statements related to the 2023 accounting period,
5 - Acquittal of each member of the Board of Directors in relation to the activities of Company in 2023,
6 - Approval, approval with amendment or rejection of the proposal of the Board of Directors' in accordance with the Company's profit distribution policy regarding the distribution of the profits of 2023 and the date of the distribution of profits,
7 - Informing shareholders about the existing buyback program, discussing, and reaching a decision,
8 - Determination of the number and duty term of the Members of the Board of Directors, making elections in accordance with the determined number of members, selecting the Independent Members of the Board of Directors,
9 - Informing the Shareholders on and approval of "Remuneration Policy" for Members of the Board of Directors and Top-Level Managers and the payments made within the frame of such policy as required by Corporate Governance Principles,
10 - Determining annual gross remunerations of the Members of the Board of Directors,
11 - Approval of the Independent Auditing Institution selected by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code and the Capital Markets Board regulations,
12 - Informing the Shareholders on donations made by the Company in 2023 and resolution of an upper limit for donations to be made for 2024 as per the "Donation and Sponsorship Policy",
13 - Informing the Shareholders about the collaterals, pledges, mortgages and surety granted in favour of third parties and the income and benefits obtained in 2023 by the Company and subsidiaries in accordance with Capital Markets Board regulations,
14 - Authorising the Shareholders holding management capacity, the Members of the Board of Directors, top managers and their spouses and relatives by blood and marriage up to the second degree within the framework of the articles 395th and 396th of Turkish Commercial Code and informing shareholders about transactions performed within the scope during 2023 as per the Corporate Governance Communiqué of Capital Markets Board,
15 - Providing shareholders with information about the activities carried out in 2023 as part of the company's transition plan to a low-carbon economy,
16 - Wishes and opinions.
Corporate Actions Involved In Agenda
Dividend Payment
General Assembly Invitation Documents
Appendix: 1
Arçelik 04042024 Tarihli OGK Bilgilendirme Notu.pdf - General Assembly Informing Document
Appendix: 2
Information Note for the 2023 GAM dated 04 April 2024.pdf - General Assembly Informing Document
Appendix: 3
Vekaletname 04042024.pdf - Other Invitation Document
Appendix: 4
Proxy 04042024.pdf - Other Invitation Document
General Assembly Results
Was The General Assembly Meeting Executed?
General Assembly Results

The Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting and the List of Attendants are attached.

This statement has been translated into English for informational purposes. In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and the English versions of this disclosure statement, the Turkish version shall prevail.

Decisions Regarding Corporate Actions
Dividend Payment
General Assembly Registry
Were The Minutes Registered?
Date of Registry
General Assembly Result Documents
Appendix: 1
Toplantı Tutanağı.pdf - Minute
Appendix: 2
Hazirun.pdf - List of Attendants
Additional Explanations

The resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held on April 4, 2024 have been registered by Istanbul Trade Registry Office on May 14, 2024.

This statement has been translated into English for informational purposes. In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and the English versions of this disclosure statement, the Turkish version shall prevail.